Sunday, January 31, 2010

Au Revoir France, Guten Tag Deutschland!

Is this not the neatest photo? Andrea took it at a guard house near Modane a few days ago. The guard house was blown up during World War II, but not completely - just enough to tilt it! So in this photo, the window is actually tilted, not Jamie and Alex! Andrea just lined it up so the window would look straight. Pretty cool, eh? Everyone spent a good 20 minutes sliding across the sloped floors.

These flowers that Margarita and I are attempting to smell lined the road to the race site for the last race - a 5km classic. They are made out of paper and were absolutely gorgeous! The photo doesn't do them justice! Someone said they were from the opening ceremonies.

 This morning we leave Bessans for Oberried. I haven’t been posting because really, it hasn’t been all that good and I don't like not having much good to say. Andrea and I raced the 5km classic yesterday and it was a bust. Total bust. I still am not feeling great and that had an impact. In November, I got the H1N1 flu vaccine and it made me sick. Now I feel like I am getting round two, only a slightly milder version. I’m not getting worse, but I’m not getting better. So we started the race okay, and in fact we made up time on the athlete who started in front of us, but at about the 1.5km mark, the wheels fell off. I just had no get-up-and-go. Both of us were hugely disappointed in how the race went – my worst this season. Andrea did a good job guiding, but when I can’t respond to what she needs me to do, it makes for it a bad scene.

So this is seriously bad timing for qualifying for the team. Andrea and I are still holding on to 12th spot so keep your fingers crossed that that doesn’t change. Sometimes to really do well in sport you need to have a little bit of luck and right now, Andrea and I just can’t catch a break. Hopefully things will change in Germany….

Two days ago, I zeroed for the long biathlon so I got some extra time on the range, but didn't actually race. So this photo is me just practicing biathlon - it just looks official!

Last night our host Patrice served us a lovely glass of white wine with dinner and then a glass of red wine with a cheese plate with three different local cheeses. Mmmm! It was so good and I’m not even a cheese person! A word of advice to all of you reading this – go buy some Beaufort cheese! Joan, I’m talking to you especially! And the wine was pretty good too!

So we are heading out to Oberried this morning and our group has a plan to stop in Geneva for a quick sightseeing tour. Or at least that was the plan until we found out our vehicle won't start! It was -22 last night and our rental van doesn't have a block heater...go figure! Winter tires are mandatory in Switzerland, but not block heaters...hmmm, something wrong with that logic!

Well, I guess that is it for now! I should go so that I am ready to go when the van is ready to pull out, whenever that will be!  Right now we are waiting for a tow truck and replacement vehicle from Zurich....

Rumour has it that there may not be any internet access in Germany so this could be the last posting for awhile, but I hope not.

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